How to prepare for an online therapy session [Part II of III]

So you’ve decided to give online therapy a try - awesome! Now what?

How to prepare for an online therapy session, Part II/III. Brittany N. Murphy, PhD, LPC, NCC, BC-TMH,

No, you don’t need a movie set in order to have an online session (also referred to as telehealth or a video session), but you do need to set the scene, so to speak.

If you missed the first part of this series, you can read more about why to consider online therapy. Part III will cover what to expect during an online therapy session.

Here’s how to prepare in terms of the technology and the set-up.

The Technology:

  • Choose what device you are going to use for your session. Make sure that your software is up to date so that you aren’t interrupted with any “need to restart!” messages.

  • Whether it’s your phone, your tablet, or your computer, please make sure to charge your device prior to the session. Even better? Charge it before, AND make sure it can be plugged in during the session so that you don’t lose power. (Your clinician should be doing this too!)

  • Make sure that you have taken appropriate precautions to protect your data’s privacy. This can include using antivirus software, removing cookies or tracking files, restarting your router periodically, and changing the passwords for your device and your router from time to time.

  • Unless you are using the cellular data on your phone, you are going to need reliable access to the internet. Check that you have a solid connection with high enough bandwidth to support a video-based conversation.

The Set-Up:

  • Prevent potential distractions. Choose a private place where nobody can hear you. Put a sign on your door that specifies no interruptions. Make sure that your family members or co-workers are occupied and will not disturb you. It is up to you to decide if pets are invited to your session. If you have an older or quieter pet that will sit on your lap or at your feet (and you WANT them to be there), it’s probably okay to have them in the room with you. If the pet is likely to need your attention or a bathroom break during the session, they might be better off elsewhere. Turn off any other electronic devices that beep, buzz, or light up. (If you can’t turn it off for whatever reason, at least mute it and put it face down for the duration of the session).

    • Best case scenario is that you're home alone, but in instances where other people are home, I've talked with people from their offices, their bedrooms, and even their bathrooms. If it's a room with a door that can close, or even a closet - that'll work. If you have a fan, a white noise machine, or a white noise app on your phone, you can place it between yourself and the door to create a sound buffer that will give you some privacy.

    • Please do not try to have a therapy session from a moving vehicle, especially if you’re driving. It is incredibly unsafe if you are the one driving, and if you aren’t, then that means that you aren’t in a private place. With me, if you start our session from a moving vehicle, I’ll ask you to sign off and return only when the vehicle is stationary and you are alone. It is fine to meet when you’re sitting in a parked car alone, but not if the car is moving or if there are other people in the car.

  • Online therapy is unique because it lets your clinician into your home or office. Be aware of what is visible in your surroundings. Don’t sit in front of windows with light streaming in, and don’t have lamps or lights behind you; these will make you a lovely shadow and make it very difficult for your counselor to see your face. Indirect light (in front of you or to the side of you) is best in this situation.

  • In order to facilitate the best communication, place the camera of your device as close to eye level as possible to replicate eye contact. You can use books or boxes to prop up your device. It’s okay if the set-up looks goofy to you because your clinician will never see it. (True story: I have used pillows, produce boxes, crates, and books in various settings in order to put my camera at eye level. I have also used the old parenting trick of sitting on a phone book to get to the right spot.) You want to make sure that your head and shoulders are clearly visible.

  • Even though I just specified that only your head and shoulders need to be visible, dress appropriately for this meeting. You don’t need to wear a suit, but please consider wearing attire that is culturally appropriate for a meeting with a professional in a public setting. If you’d wear it to the dentist’s office, it’s probably appropriate. If you’d wear it to the beach, you might be putting yourself at risk for an awkward moment.

What else do you(or could you) do to prepare for aN online therapy session? Comment below!

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